Randomizer palette swap pokemon
Randomizer palette swap pokemon

randomizer palette swap pokemon

Shuffle Armos - There are five screens on the overworld where secrets are locate under an armos statue (namely, SE of 5, E of 2, SE of the previous secret, the blue ring shop, and the normal power bracelet spot).The cost can change from 75-125, and can up your capacity between 2-6 bombs.


Change Bomb Upgrades - Changes the cost and number of bombs gained in the Bomb Upgrade rooms.Change MMG - Shuffles the values for the Money Making Game.4-6 hearts are required for the white sword item, 10-14 for the magical sword. Change Sword Hearts - Change the number of hearts required to get the items in caves that are normally white/magical sword caves in the normal game.Extra Candles - Adds a candle to the start cave and the "take any one you want" caves.Shuffle Shop Items - Shuffles items and prices among the shops, and also changes secret values and Door repair values.They will appear on the same type of screen, and you will still have to use the same resource (e.g. Change Secret Spots - If selected, the spots on the screen that you have to burn/bomb/push for secrets to appear will be shuffled.Grayed out areas in this map will not be selected on the "easy" option. An "easy" version is available that removes a number of difficult to exit locations. Start Screen - If changed, the start screen can be changed to be almost any screen in the overworld of Hyrule.This means the Power Bracelet may become a required item, and these four caves may be anywhere (but will still be connected) Shuffle "Take Any Road" caves - If selected, the four "Take Any Road You Want" caves will be shuffled in the mix as well.Good luck wandering through Hyrule to find a weapon! The wood sword will be found either in an open cave, or under an armos statue. Shuffle Wood Sword Cave - If selected, adds the wood sword cave to the shuffle.The two exceptions are the letter cave from quest 1 (you end up 1 screen south of it), and the Armos cave southeast of Level 5 (you end up one screen east where you normally use the Power Bracelet). Whistle to New Dungeons - Instead of the recorder taking you to the old levels 1-8, the recorder will take you to the levels from your current quest.Note that the wooden sword cave and power bracelet stairs don't move, unless specified by the appropriate options. For example, the tree that normally contains Level 1 may be the Money Making Game. Shuffle Caves - Scrambles what is which cave (dungeon/shop/etc.)."Holes" in the maps will never be rooms in the dungeon. Levels will increase in size from 1-6, 7 will be smaller than 8, and 9 will be ~ the same size. If Shapes is selected, the shapes of the dungeons will be randomly created (making the map incredibly useful!). This can be 1st, 2nd, mixed quest, random among those, or Shapes. Dungeon Quest - The quest for the dungeons.Overworld Quest - The quest for the overworld.Can make the decision to buy hints tougher! Mixed - hints will sometimes be helpful, and sometimes be community.The other half of the time, the hint will be a lie. Deception - About half the time, the hint will be a "helpful" hint.Community - Hints created by the community (often nonsense, but sometimes humorous or confusing!).Helpful - Hints correspond to where items/dungeons actually are (see the Helpful Links/Materials page for more info on this).This can be copy/pasted, to easily allow two players to play on the same seed. Flags - A string that corresponds to the options set.Seed - The seed which determines the random numbers.If a grey box is in the box instead of a check mark, then there is a 50% chance that the box will be set or unset. Note: most options shown below can be "randomly" set. To learn more about each one, hover your mouse over the button to get a short description. Clicking the button will automatically populate the appropriate flags. There are a number preset buttons on the UI, corresponding to preset combinations of flags in the Randomizer.

Randomizer palette swap pokemon